1. Editor:
Graphics creation & development: WORDPRESS
Editorial creation: SAS HapTag
30 Rue Lamarck
2. Hosting:
The website www.haptagmedia.com is hosted by 1&1 Internet SARL
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BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
3. Ownershipof rights:
All items on the website www.haptagmedia.com (text, logos, images, photographs, audio elements, software, icons, pagination, tree view, formatting, database, etc.) are protected by French and international intellectual property law.
Consequently, the representation, reproduction, embedding, transmission and re-transmission thereof, in whole or in part, are prohibited according to the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
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4. General principles:
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Our server is not intended or configured to collect personal data of visitors to the site other than the following: location of connections (access provider, URL of origin), IP address, type and version of browser used, keywords entered in search engine to find the website www.haptagmedia.com, operating system. Under no circumstances do we collect visitors’ email addresses unless visitors provide them to us intentionally.
Such collected data will under no circumstances be ceded to third parties.
7. Limitation of liability:
Your use of the site www.haptagmedia.com is at your own full, sole liability. We cannot be held liable for damage caused directly or indirectly, such as, in particular, material damage, loss of data or programs, or economic loss resulting from the use of this site or sites to which it links.
We cannot be held liable for messages of which we are not the authors and over which we have no control.
8. Hypertext links:
Hypertext linking to the site www.haptagmedia.com requires the prior written authorization of HapTag. HapTag is in no way liable under any circumstances for the content of or the products or services offered on sites to which the site www.haptagmedia.com is linked by hypertext or any other links.